24 Mar 2022
We need better and smarter tools for Web & API Software Testing. Especially when it comes to the functional testing side.
This area is mostly dominated by frameworks rather than products, particularly the open source space.
What I mean by this is that you usually get the means to assemble a set of steps, following a given syntax and execute the result.
And you get some value added services on top like: save your request/response, pretty formatting, UI interfaces, etc.
But you rarely get any intelligence on top of it.
You would expect that after so many years of testing login screens, you will point your tool to the login page and let it do its magic.
And when I say magic I’m not only referring to recognizing the fields, put data in and then submit.
It’s also generating the expected test cases which are typical for such a functionality: invalid emails, short passwords, forms of injection, etc. and run those automatically.
But no, you must tell the framework everytime to open the page, find elements, enter data inside the input fields, submit it, wait and so on.
And create all the test cases again to support it. And star