George Kiagiadakis
March 08, 2022
The PipeWire project has made major strides over the past few years, bringing shiny new features, and paving the way for new possibilities in the Linux multimedia scene. With 2021 seeing significant progress made on all fronts, let’s take a moment to look back at what was accomplished, and what lies ahead for 2022.
Last year began with busywork on the Bluetooth® front, with amazing volunteers testing and fixing things on PipeWire’s Bluetooth® plugin. Throughout the year, the plugin evolved to become perhaps one of the best – if not the best – open source Bluetooth® audio stack implementations that I am aware of. Based on an extensible plugin architecture, Pipewire already supports all current audio profiles and codecs. It is also future proof, enabling it to be integrated with other stacks like ofono. It’s a solid base for any Bluetooth® audio use case.