Build and usage instructions
This program is most conveniently built using gcc
. Save it as fizzbuzz.S
(that’s a capital S
as the extension), and build using the commands
gcc -mavx2 -c fizzbuzz.S
ld -o fizzbuzz fizzbuzz.o
Run as ./fizzbuzz
piped into one command, e.g. ./fizzbuzz | pv > /dev/null
(as suggested in the question), ./fizzbuzz | cat
, or ./fizzbuzz | less
. To simplify the I/O, this will not work (producing an error on startup) if you try to output to a file/terminal/device rather than a pipe. Additionally, this program may produce incorrect output if piped into two commands (e.g. ./fizzbuzz | pv | cat > fizzbuzz.txt
), but only in the case where the middle command uses the splice
system call; this is either a bug in Linux (very possible with system calls this obscure!) or a mistake in the documentation of the system calls in question (also possible). However, it should work correctly for the use case in the question, which is all that matters on CGCC.
This program is somewhat system-specific; it requires the operating system to be a non-ancient version of Linux, and the processor to be an x86-64 implementation that supports AVX2. (Most moderately recent processors by Intel and AMD have AVX2 support, including the Ryzen 9 mentioned in the question, and almost all use the x86-64 instruction set.) However, it avoids assumptions about the system it’s running on beyond those mentioned in the header, so there’s a decent chance that if you can run Linux, you can run this.
The program outputs a quintillion lines of FizzBuzz and then exits (going further runs into problems related to the sizes of registers). This would take tens of years to accomplish, so hopefully counts as “a very high astronomical number” (although it astonishes me that it’s a small enough timespan that it might be theoretically possible to reach a number as large as a quintillion without the computer breaking).
As a note: this program’s performance is dependent on whether it and the program it outputs to are running on sibling CPUs or not, something which will be determined arbitrarily by the kernel when you start it. If you want to compare the two possible timings, use taskset
to force the programs onto particular CPUs:
taskset 1 ./fizzbuzz | taskset 2 pv > /dev/null
versus taskset 1 ./fizzbuzz | taskset 4 pv > /dev/null
. (The former will probably run faster, but might be slower on some CPU configurations.)
I’ve spent months working on this program. I’ve long thought that “how fast can you make a FizzBuzz” would be a really interesting question for learning about high-performance programming, and when I subsequently saw this question posted on CGCC, I pretty much had to try.
This program aims for the maximum possible single-threaded performance. In terms of the FizzBuzz calculation itself, it is intended to sustain a performance of 64 bytes of FizzBuzz per 4 clock cycles (and is future-proofed where possible to be able to run faster if the relevant processor bottleneck – L2 cache write speed – is ever removed). This is faster than a number of standard functions. In particular, it’s faster than memcpy
, which presents interesting challenges when it comes to I/O (if you try to output using write
then the copies in write
will take up almost all the runtime – replacing the I/O routine here with write
causes the performance on my CPU to drop by a factor of 5). As such, I needed to use much more obscure system calls to keep I/O-related copies to a minimum (in particular, the generated FizzBuzz text is only sent to main memory if absolutely necessary; most of the time it’s stored in the processor’s L2 cache and piped into the target program from there, which is why reading it from a sibling CPU can boost performance – the physical connection to the L2 cache is shorter and higher bandwidth than it would be to a more distant CPU).
On my computer (which has a fairly recent, but not particularly powerful, Intel processor), this program generates around 31GiB of FizzBuzz per second. I’ll be interested to see how it does on the OP’s computer.
I did experiment with multithreaded versions of the program, but was unable to gain any speed. Experiments with simpler programs show that it could be possible, but any gains may be small; the cost of communication between CPUs is sufficiently high to negate most of the gains you could get by doing work in parallel, assuming that you only have one program reading the resulting FizzBuzz (and anything that writes to memory will be limited by the write speed of main memory, which is slower than the speed with which the FizzBuzz can be generated).
The program
This isn’t code-golf, so my explanation of the program and its algorithm are given as comments in the program itself. (I still had to lightly golf the program, and especially the explanation, to fit this post within the 65536 byte size limit.)
The program is written in a “literate” assembly style; it will be easiest to understand if you read it in order, from start to end. (I also added a number of otherwise useless line labels to separate the program into logical groups of instructions, in order to make the disassembly easier to read, if you’re one of the people who prefers to read assembly code like that.)
.intel_syntax prefix
// Header files.
#define F_SETPIPE_SZ 1031 // not in asm headers, define it manually
// The Linux system call API (limited to 4 arguments, the most this
// program uses). 64-bit registers are unsuffixed; 32-bit have an "e"
// suffix.
#define ARG1 %rdi
#define ARG1e %edi
#define ARG2 %rsi
#define ARG2e %esi
#define ARG3 %rdx
#define ARG3e %edx
#define ARG4 %r10
#define ARG4e %r10d
#define SYSCALL_RETURN %rax
#define SYSCALL_RETURNe %eax
#define SYSCALL_NUMBER %eax
// %rax, %rcx, %rdx, %ymm0-3 are general-purpose temporaries. Every
// other register is used for just one or two defined purposes; define
// symbolic names for them for readability. (Bear in mind that some of
// these will be clobbered sometimes, e.g. OUTPUT_LIMIT is clobbered
// by `syscall` because it's %r11.)
#define OUTPUT_PTR %rbx
#define BYTECODE_IP %rbp
#define SPILL %rsi
#define BYTECODE_GEN_PTR %rdi
#define REGEN_TRIGGER %r8
#define REGEN_TRIGGERe %r8d
#define YMMS_AT_WIDTH %r9
#define YMMS_AT_WIDTHe %r9d
#define BUZZ %r10
#define BYTECODE_NEG_LEN %r10
#define FIZZ %r11
#define FIZZe %r11d
#define OUTPUT_LIMIT %r11
#define BYTECODE_END %r12
#define BYTECODE_START %r13
#define BYTECODE_STARTe %r13d
#define PIPE_SIZE %r13
#define LINENO_WIDTH %r14
#define LINENO_WIDTHe %r14d
#define GROUPS_OF_15 %r15
#define GROUPS_OF_15e %r15d
#define LINENO_LOW %ymm4
#define LINENO_MID %ymm5
#define LINENO_MIDx %xmm5
#define LINENO_TOP %ymm6
#define LINENO_TOPx %xmm6
#define LINENO_MID_TEMP %ymm7
#define ENDIAN_SHUFFLE %ymm8
#define ENDIAN_SHUFFLEx %xmm8
#define LINENO_LOW_INCR %ymm9
#define LINENO_LOW_INCRx %xmm9
// The last six vector registers are used to store constants, to avoid
// polluting the cache by loading their values from memory.
#define LINENO_LOW_INIT %ymm10
#define LINENO_MID_BASE %ymm11
#define LINENO_TOP_MAX %ymm12
#define ASCII_OFFSET %ymm13
#define ASCII_OFFSETx %xmm13
#define BIASCII_OFFSET %ymm14
#define BASCII_OFFSET %ymm15
// Global variables.
.align 4 << 20
// The most important global variables are the IO buffers. There are
// two of these, each with 2MiB of memory allocated (not all of it is
// used, but putting them 2MiB apart allows us to simplify the page
// table; this gives a 30% speedup because page table contention is
// one of the main limiting factors on the performance).
.zero 2 * (2 << 20)
// The remaining 2MiB of memory stores everything else:
iovec_base: // I/O config buffer for vmsplice(2) system call
.zero 16
error_write_buffer: // I/O data buffer for write(2) system call
.zero 1
.p2align 9,0
bytecode_storage: // the rest is a buffer for storing bytecode
.zero (2 << 20) - 512
// The program starts here. It doesn't use the standard library (or
// indeed any libraries), so the start point is _start, not main.
.globl _start
// This is an AVX2 program, so check for AVX2 support by running an
// AVX2 command. This is a no-op, but generates SIGILL if AVX2 isn't
// supported.
vpand %ymm0, %ymm0, %ymm0
// Initialize constant registers to their constant values.
vmovdqa LINENO_LOW_INIT, [%rip + lineno_low_init]
vmovdqa LINENO_MID_BASE, [%rip + lineno_mid_base]
vmovdqa LINENO_TOP_MAX, [%rip + lineno_top_max]
vmovdqa ASCII_OFFSET, [%rip + ascii_offset]
vmovdqa BIASCII_OFFSET, [%rip + biascii_offset]
vmovdqa BASCII_OFFSET, [%rip +