This page provides time series and map visualizations of daily mean
surface air temperature (2-meter height) estimates from the
ECMWF Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) for the period January 1940 to
present (see ERA5 attribution below). ERA5 is a state-of-the-art
numerical climate/weather modeling framework that ingests surface, radiosonde, and satellite
observations to estimate the state of the atmosphere through time. The visualizations
on this page enable users to explore weather-driven temperature changes within specific
years, while also having several decades of daily data for broader climate context.
Users are encouraged to learn more about reanalysis — approach, strengths,
limitations, and product comparisons — from the
NCAR Climate Data Guide. Additional information about reanalysis can be found at
Advancing Reanalysis.NOTE: This content is intended
for general analysis only. Any apparent record high or low daily temperatures estimated
by ERA5 should be considered with caution and validated against weather station observations
and other climate data products. Regarding high global mean temperatures in July 2023,
Copernicus C3S and the World Meteorological Organization issued this
statement. The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
made a similar assessment.A comparison of annual temperature anomaly time series for ERA5 and other datasets can be found
Additional information about ERA5, including strengths and lim