Belief capital encourages taking the leap into the unknown. It’s when someone you respect puts their resources (this could be money, time, reputation, etc.) on the line before others recognize you as someone deemed worthy of their support. This leap doesn’t look so daunting when someone else has your back.
“Danielle and Michael were our biggest early believers. They met with us weekly, gave us feedback, and wired us money before the deal docs were done as our preseed lead so that we wouldn’t run out of money 48hrs later. Can’t honestly say Loom would be a company if it hadn’t been for their belief.”
– Joe Thomas, CEO and founder of Loom
When Michael and I were at the Thiel Foundation, we put $100K grants behind young people like Vitalik Buterin, Dylan Field, Laura Deming, Austin Russell, and Ritesh Agarwal to get them started on what would become extraordinary journeys, building organizations and companies that would be recognized by the masses years later. In our last year at the foundation, our team piloted a new idea, offering smaller $1K grants to young people to help nudge them to build.
In 2015, we took our own leap to create a venture fund with the purpose of scaling our work at the Thiel Foundation to back those without college degrees. In the first weeks of 1517, on a hot summer day, we offered our first $1K grant to a teen in a Boston cafe. It was the first check that 1517 ever wrote (we played with the idea of handing out grants in black envelopes flush with cash, but we knew that checks and Venmo would be safer).
We continued to give out hundreds